Wednesday 30 September 2015

We're back!

Hi, guys!

First of all, I have to appologize for not making our videos available last week. I just hadn't an access to the Internet (welcome to Poland!). As I promised, I will explain you why we were off for so long.

As you probably know, I was complaining that many of our videos are still being reported, getting age restrictions or even being deleted for no reason (first tickling video!). Of course I realise that YouTube is oversensitive about reports and if somebody doesn't like me (or us), just sends a report and his ego is fed. That was ok to me (I still use "me" and "I" because my GF doesn't want to make any decisions, I am the one who does - almost ;) - all the job here), but there are some borders, which I will not let anyone pass. I've made a decision to make our videos private after being BLACKMAILED. 

Funny, isn't it? Of course I wouldn't do anything that guy wanted me to do, but I realised, that our channel is very vulnerable to being deleted because of this kind of... guys. I had to do something, prepare the channel  for being deleted. I've done it. You can now report every single video and jack off to red screen on our channel page. Go on, I'll consider it as an favour. 

We have now prepared another channel with every single video, titled and tagged just like on "smelt20" channel, so if our channe; gets deleted, we can be back immediately. Of course every video is now private, but I will publish them in the case of deleting our main channel. If that new channel gets deleted too, we won't come back on YouTube. I think we'll settle down on clips4sale. Longer, better prepared videos, but you'll have to pay for them. I think no one wants to have to pay for something that can be free.

You have to realise, that we have no duties. We don't know you, you are not our friends, we have no connections with you. If I answer your questions, I do it because I WANT TO do it. If I record a video you asked for, I do it, because I WANT TO do it. You are my viewers, nothing more, so stop feeling like a bosses. You can't make me do anything, you can only ask. (I appologize every honest viewer, I know you're in majority here and you don't have to read these words - I know most of you are matured enough to just know these things. and I still respect you).

Of course I have to change something in our relations after that message. From now I will not answer ANY requests. You can still share your ideas, I will be glad to see them, but don't expect any respond from me in that case. Of course I will still answer other questions. That's all about this situation I think. Other cases:

From now, we won't be able to make as many videos as earlier - we just don't have enough time. Expect one or two, sometimes less, videos per week. I don't promise that we will publish a video every week, but we'll do our best.

We're on twitter now! Follow us there, because we'll be much more active there than on this blog. Here I will publish longer and more important messages. If our channel gets deleted, we'll publish there a link to new channel. 

That's all guys. I'm happy to be back, I'm looking forward to hearing from you, reading your comments. I hope you'll still enjoy our videos. My girlfriend sends you kisses. Hope you were ok during that month.

(If you still don't see our videos, try again later - YouTube is very slow with editing videos)


Saturday 22 August 2015

Private videos

Guys, it's not a good time for us. We have a lot of work (I don't mean YT) and can't really focus on our channel at the moment. Besides for some reasons we have to make our videos private - I just have to take care about something with our channel and it will take a little long time (don't know how much). We're sorry, but we decided to not inform you what we'll (mostly - I) be doing - it'll be better, but we'll tell you everything when our work is done. We hope that you trust us and won't be very mad.
I mean only (heh) our YouTube videos - worships we'll still be available.

Keep subscribing guys, we'll return with new videos.

Cheers guys, see you later! (you can contact with through our channel comments or just here)

Tuesday 30 June 2015

Bad time, dirty feet. broken camera

This is not a very good time for us, guys. I had a lot of exams last 2 weeks (so this blog was a little neglected), our camera is broken so we can't record videos for you (we hope it'll get repaired 'til end of the week). Good thing is that we have something for you this week - already published walking video, shoes removal (02.07) and a snoring video (04.07). Moreover - more and more our videos get reported and is age restricted now. But we still have a lot of fun with this channel ;)

I'll try to post more pics here (but we have to have a camera!)


Tuesday 23 June 2015

Poll's Results #11

1. Nylons (already publushed)
2. Painting nails 24.06
3. Walking
4. Snoring

Saturday 20 June 2015

Poll #11

1. Snoring video (just like other ones - only one picture and my GF's snore)
2. Nylons, black high heels, falling asleep
3. Walking video with white ankle socks
4. Painting her nails (I mean - while she's painting)

Poll's Results here:

We hope you'll enjoy our videos this week. I hope we'll manage to make new worship one also.


Monday 15 June 2015


1. Removing high heels (with falling asleep) 16.06
2. Removing shoes and socks (new shoes, but it'll be the only video with them ;x) 18.06
3. Feet while walking (the best one IMO) 20.06

Poll next week. I promise!

Sunday 7 June 2015

I don't make a poll this week because we doesn't want you to know what will be uploaded this week, guys. It'll be a surprise! Hope you'll enjoy our videos - we enjoyed making them!
I can tell you guys that I have caught a lot of snoring for you. Honestly she's never snored that much and that loud!

Here you can see her feet after using a foot scrub

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Guys, our worship videos are now availabe on xH and PH. Every new one will be posted on both of them. I've named two od them "Sleeping Feet Worship 2" - clever me! Hope it won't confuse you very much

Monday 1 June 2015

Poll's Reults #10

1. Tickling while asleep 2.06
2. Shoes removal 4.06
3. Nylons + shoes 6.06

74 votes.Shame that nylons are last, there is falling asleep included there ;d


Sunday 31 May 2015

Poll #10

1. Removing shoes (high heels) with jeans on
2. Tickling while asleep
3. Nylons + high heels + shorts (the same set that you've seen in our latest worship one)

Vote here: [Poll's Over]

I know many of you wanted to see tickling while awake this week. I tried to. But she said "I don't want to be tickled today, record something else or f**k off". So you know... I think THESE days are coming...

Sunday 17 May 2015

Coming week

Guys, I suppose that this week will be quite nice. We'll publish 3 videos that won our poll (limp play, hand play, nylons with shoes), you'll have also a worship one with nylons on xH. For those who enjoy male feet we'll post Sleeping Boyfriend's Feet (I promised it about 6 months ago, but I'm not very heavy sleeper and we had to wait for opportunity ;d). You'll also have 3 minutes of nice snoring of my girlfriend. That means 6 videos instead of 3 ;d

Hope you'll enjoy them all


Monday 11 May 2015

Order of publishing, poll

1. Socks removal 13.05
2. Limp play 15.05
3. Nylons + high heels 17.05

There were no poll about this order, because we haven't managed to record before Sunday - no time for poll.

Let's make another poll then. I want you guys to decide about videos we'll record next week.
There is no worship here because it's all about videos for YT.


We'll record 3 videos next week.


Sunday 3 May 2015

No poll, order of publishing

Guys, tehre will be no poll this week. I have to upload a video for 5k subs as the first, so there's no point in creating a poll for 2 videos. Here's the order of publishing:

1. Massaging her feet for 5k subs 05.05
2. Limp play 07.05
3. Shoes and socks removal 09.05

There will be also a worship video (while she's awake!) on xH - it's uploading at the moment.


Monday 27 April 2015

Poll's results #9

1. Tickling while asleep 27.04
2. shoes removal 29.04
3. socks removal 01.05
4. Soles 03.04

Worship will come next week, we couldn't record it.

Thanks for 5k subs, the video will also come next week


Saturday 25 April 2015

Poll #9

1. Removing shoes (you haven't seen them yet)
2. removing white socks after 8 hours of working (but it isn't really noticeable by her feet)
3. Another soles video, but different position
4. Tickling her feet while asleep



Wednesday 22 April 2015

Her feet after a long walk

She doesn't really like walking a lot. Sadly... ;)

I don't know why this picture is rotated. Damn it

Monday 20 April 2015

Poll's Results #8

1. Shoes and socks removal 21.04
2. Nylon Tickling 23.04
3. Tops 25.04

102 votes total.

Cheers guys!

Sunday 19 April 2015

Poll #8

1. Nylon tickling
2. Shoes and socks removal
3. Something like "soles" ones, but here only tops are shown ;d


Friday 17 April 2015


Guys, I received 2nd warning from YouTube. Someone's reported "Removing Sleeping Girlfriend's Shoes and Socks 6" and YT deleted it. I don't have an access to account for 2 weeks. If they refused my appeal I'm afraid I won't publish any videos until July, when the first warning will be cancelled. I don't want this channel to be deleted. 

Damn, what a wonderful start of a day... 



They cancelled the warning. Cheers

Thursday 16 April 2015


Guys, we're still waiting for your ideas for 5000 subs.

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Poll's results #7

1. Removing shoes and socks in a car 15.04
2. Soles in a car 17.04
3. Nylon and high heels 19.04

Only 93 votes, the 5th poll had over 200. Are you getting bored with these polls, guys? :P

We're still waiting for your ideas for 5k subs video.


Sunday 12 April 2015

Poll #7

1. Shoes and socks removal in a car ;d
2. Sole video (in a car too)
3. Black nylons and black high heels 

Tomorrow you'll have regular SGF video, because I couldn't create this poll earlier (and that video probably would be the last one xd)

Vote here: [poll's over]

I'll be waiting for your votes 'til Tuesday evening. 


Now I have a request. We are approaching 5000 subs and this is a nice occasion to make something special. I'd be very grateful if you guys would share with your idea for that special video. But, please, don't send us messages like "show us her face for 5k subs". In that video we have to be able to show you the inscription like "Hi guys, thanks for 5000 subs". If you watched our videos for 1000 and 2500 you'll know what I'm talking about. 

Please, send us your ideas through private message on Youtube. 


Thursday 9 April 2015

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Saturday 4 April 2015

Poll #6

1. She's laying on her stomach on the massage table, feet in the air, she's playing with them, a lot of soles shots
2. Flats removal
3. Black nylons

Vote here: [Poll's over, check results in next post]

 Vote until Monday's evening (the first chosen video will be uploaded on Tuesday - I fucked up publishing, you should see a Candid one tomorrow ;x)


Friday 3 April 2015

New shoes

Guys, you can expect a lot of shoes removals soon ;)


Monday 30 March 2015


Guys, you can now watch something new on our hamster profile. Add "/user/smelt20" in URL and enjoy

As I promised, this one was recorded in the "old" style so you can see much more than previously.


Sunday 29 March 2015

Poll's resulsts #5

1. Limp play (in new scenery ;x) 30.03
2. Removing shoes and socks 01.04
3. Removing socks (damn, I wanted this one to be the first ;x) 03.04
4. Candid 05.04

Of course every video will be posted at 6 am (GMT +1:00)


Saturday 28 March 2015

Poll #5

I must admit that I like videos we prepared for you guys. Let's vote!

1. High leather shoes and green socks removal, she's sleeping on her back, crossed legs on a chair (position sadly changes through video - she didn't want to cooperate ;))
2. White socks removal, she's sleeping in this position:

and wakes up in the end (after she put her legs back on the desk I wanted to show you that she's still sleeping by dropping her arm - and that woke her up)
3. Candid one where she plays with brown slippers
4. Limp play video

Vote here: [Poll's over]

We're waiting for your votes 'til Sunday eveving. 


Friday 27 March 2015


Tomorrow we'll start making videos for next week. Any suggestions? ;)

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Poll's Results #4

1. Candid 24.03
2. Nylon 26.03
3. Tickling 28.03

Sorry for being late, but I had a problem with my computer

Sunday 22 March 2015

Poll #4

1. Nylon feet, jeans on, shoes removal
2. Candid feet (IMO the best candid so far)
3. Tickling while awake

Vote here: [Poll's over]
Poll ends on Monday.


Friday 20 March 2015

DM -.-

Guys, DM sucks. They deleted the newest video without any information. From now look for our videos at hamster. Just add "/user/smelt20" in url and you'll be at our profile. Cheers

Tuesday 17 March 2015


Something you expected is waiting for you on DM. A few words about that video - it (nomen omen) sucks. There are many shots there where you'll not see anything. But! It was supposed to be like that. Some of you guys wanted new POVs, but I don't have other guy who'd hold a camera. So I have to hold it for new POVs, but it's difficult to be active and mind positioning a camera. This is the first video where I hold a camera, so it's shitty, because I have to learn how to do it correctly. To keep a balance, next video will be recorded in an old style ;)

Many of you keep telling me that can't find me on Dailymotion. Everything you have to do to solve that problem is disabling "Age Gate". Here you can see what's happening when you try to find "smelt20" with Age Gate on:

Then when you clicked at the circled text you can disable Age Gate and enjoy our videos:


Sunday 15 March 2015

Poll's results [#3]

1. Oiled feet after massage (16.03)
2. Limp hands play (18.03)
3. Removing socks (20.03)
4. SGF (22.03)

Every video will be published at 6 am (GMT +1:00)

Be prepared for something new on DM ;) I'll let you know here

Saturday 14 March 2015

New videos [Poll 3]

It's time guys to decide about coming videos again.

1. SGF - just regular video, but with some nice shots
2. Socks removing
3. Hand play
4. Laying on the massage table after... massage. Feet oiled, some limp play

[Poll's over, check results in next post]

Wednesday 11 March 2015

1 000 000 views

Guys, we've finally reached 1kk views :O Channel info doesn't show that, but it can be seen in our yt analytics. We have 97 videos published for,so averagely it gives 10 000 views per video. Our video Nr 1 is the first socks removing one with 55k views.

We won't make any special video for this occasion - I just don't have any idea that would be nice enough. Honestly I HAVE an idea but I'll keep it for 5000 subscribers. 3,8k for now, Analytics says that we gain 670 subs per 4 weeks, so it'll take around 2 months for that. 

Thank you guys for that milion views, we hope you'll keep up watching and we promise we'll keep up making videos for you. Cheers!

Monday 9 March 2015

Poll's results

So the poll is over. 164 votes. I feel relieved, because I think it's a good idea to make polls, but the first one didn't work as good as I wanted (13 votes). Now I know that I have to publish a video with information about poll, so expect more "Channel Info's" in the future ;d So here is what you guys have decided:

1. Removing Sleeping Girlfriend's Shoes and Socks 5 (10.03)
2. Tickling My Girlfriend's Feet 3 (12.03)
3. Tickling My Sleeping Girlfriend's Feet  (14.03)

I publish videos at 6 am (GMT +1:00).

And we haven't managed to make a worship video :( I also expect some difficulties about recording, but hope it won't happen. For now I have a few videos to show.


Thursday 5 March 2015

New Poll

Let's try again deciding what videos will come next week.

1. Tickling while awake
2. Tickling while asleep
3. Removing high shoes and socks

[Poll's over, check results in next post]

Previous poll had 13 votes, I hope this one will work better xd 


Wednesday 4 March 2015

New url

Guys, we're going to move this blog on new address. There will be a proper info on yt

Saturday 28 February 2015

Coming videos

Guys, lets decide which videos should be published firstly. I won't tell you exactly what's going on from start to end. Just a few words that will help you decide

1. She's sleeping on her back from start to end, wearing white short trousers and white socks.
2. Falling asleep with shoes from the first shoes removal video and without socks
3. Massaging her feet with oil, laying on her back
4. Short limp play, she wakes up after 2 minutes (usually I dont post so short videos, but I think it's worth publishing)

This blog has 200-400 views per day for now. Honestly I won't continue creating these polls if the number of votes will count below 70 votes (poll ends tomorrow at 23 of my - GMT +1 - time). It'll just be a sign for me that you don't care about it and don't want to take part in ;x 
Cheers guys, new worship video on DM will come next week (I hope)

[Poll is over, 13 votes xddd Order of publishing: 3-2-1-4]

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Soles, idea

I have an idea! I upload videos almost every Sunday. I'm going to make a poll every time I uploaded videos - poll where you guys would decide which video you want to be published firstly, secondly etc. You (who "read" ;) this blog) will be special ones that will know what videos are prepared for you.  What do you think about that? Let me know here or on youtube (I prefer here, don't let THEM know about this idea ;x)

And soles for you!

Damn, I feel I have to improve my English...

Sunday 22 February 2015

Her shoes

Some of you guys still ask me about a video where I show all her shoes. I refused, because I think it would be boring as hell (FAQ). But I'm nice guy, so I decided to show you photos of her shoes. You can't find here shoes from the first removal video (you know, the first with shoes but without socks), but she still has them. She just were too lazy to look for them. Enjoy!

Nothing special. You know all of them from our videos. Cheers!

Monday 9 February 2015


I think it's time to check out our dailymotion channel ;)

Sunday 8 February 2015

Hey, guys!

We'll post here some picture's of my girlfriend's (95%) and my (5%) feet.
The most important thing we have to tell is that we'll not post any worships videos on YouTube. We don't want to risk deleting our entire channel just because some honest guy decided to report our video. It already happened - try to find a video called "Worshiping my sleepy girlfriend's feet 3". The one with removing grey socks. Deleted. Of course I appealed from their decision, but the answer was negative, so we can't appeal for 2 months. It means, that if another guy reports us, we'll not be able to post any videos for 2 weeks. Third warning - channel deleted.
Hey, I said, we won't post them ON YOUTUBE. Now, we want to invite all of you to visit our channel on Dailymotion. You'll find there only the newest worship videos. I won't post here direct link, just type "smelt20" there. Infos about published worship videos will be posted only here, so 1) check out the blog 2) check out DM channel. I'm bastard, but I want you to visit this blog often.
SO! Instead of cutting back our activity we branch out. I hope you'll like these changes. 
I'll try to make a little larger FAQ in a few days. Let me know guys what you think about this idea, ask us questions. Możecie to robić również po polsku ;) 

Have you noticed she has a scar on her foot? ;)