Wednesday 30 September 2015

We're back!

Hi, guys!

First of all, I have to appologize for not making our videos available last week. I just hadn't an access to the Internet (welcome to Poland!). As I promised, I will explain you why we were off for so long.

As you probably know, I was complaining that many of our videos are still being reported, getting age restrictions or even being deleted for no reason (first tickling video!). Of course I realise that YouTube is oversensitive about reports and if somebody doesn't like me (or us), just sends a report and his ego is fed. That was ok to me (I still use "me" and "I" because my GF doesn't want to make any decisions, I am the one who does - almost ;) - all the job here), but there are some borders, which I will not let anyone pass. I've made a decision to make our videos private after being BLACKMAILED. 

Funny, isn't it? Of course I wouldn't do anything that guy wanted me to do, but I realised, that our channel is very vulnerable to being deleted because of this kind of... guys. I had to do something, prepare the channel  for being deleted. I've done it. You can now report every single video and jack off to red screen on our channel page. Go on, I'll consider it as an favour. 

We have now prepared another channel with every single video, titled and tagged just like on "smelt20" channel, so if our channe; gets deleted, we can be back immediately. Of course every video is now private, but I will publish them in the case of deleting our main channel. If that new channel gets deleted too, we won't come back on YouTube. I think we'll settle down on clips4sale. Longer, better prepared videos, but you'll have to pay for them. I think no one wants to have to pay for something that can be free.

You have to realise, that we have no duties. We don't know you, you are not our friends, we have no connections with you. If I answer your questions, I do it because I WANT TO do it. If I record a video you asked for, I do it, because I WANT TO do it. You are my viewers, nothing more, so stop feeling like a bosses. You can't make me do anything, you can only ask. (I appologize every honest viewer, I know you're in majority here and you don't have to read these words - I know most of you are matured enough to just know these things. and I still respect you).

Of course I have to change something in our relations after that message. From now I will not answer ANY requests. You can still share your ideas, I will be glad to see them, but don't expect any respond from me in that case. Of course I will still answer other questions. That's all about this situation I think. Other cases:

From now, we won't be able to make as many videos as earlier - we just don't have enough time. Expect one or two, sometimes less, videos per week. I don't promise that we will publish a video every week, but we'll do our best.

We're on twitter now! Follow us there, because we'll be much more active there than on this blog. Here I will publish longer and more important messages. If our channel gets deleted, we'll publish there a link to new channel. 

That's all guys. I'm happy to be back, I'm looking forward to hearing from you, reading your comments. I hope you'll still enjoy our videos. My girlfriend sends you kisses. Hope you were ok during that month.

(If you still don't see our videos, try again later - YouTube is very slow with editing videos)



  1. Youtube sucks! I had my page deleted because somebody didn't approve of seeing feet. That hard drive broke and all the videos on my first channel are gone for good. Keep up the great work. I think your girlfriends feet are the best. I love them. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  2. well what can i say about these glad you guys are back great news i cant believe you guys were blackmailed that sucks honestly there is people who really are ungrateful pieces of shit they dont appreciate the work you guys do i actually thought you guys broke up and well you were trying to get her back XD thank goodness that wasn't now being more serious i read all the message and i have to say i felt bad because these guy can be doing it who knows and the other one its that you said we have no connections with you yes we are not your friends we havent met we dont know your names we dont know anything about you guys apart from you are from poland and that's it we do have a connection with you we were worried we wanted to know what happen to you guys i was like well these guys are not coming back i was pretty bummed but great news you came i can fully said that we cared for you i check your channel every week to see if you posted anything XD faithful subscriber here i waited a month to what really happen to you and well i gotta say wow i am surprised but you need to understand that we are a community we enjoy your videos i appreciate every video you made i dont ask you to do anything personally i dont think you shouldn't have done it in the first place we cant say to you what can you do and what you cant do you are the owner here you have the control you guys gained a place in my heart because you do videos about the thing i liked i have no shame to say i have a foot fetish jeez quentin tarantino doesnt have shame he used them in his movies my point here is we care for you we are going to be sad when you decide to quit doing it i personally say that despite the distances we enjoy every single video you guys make i hope you dont tke these as something wrong or me being a fucking bitchy who complains no we a re a community we have something special in here and i can say that i wouldn't have a problem playing a videogame or two with you man i hope you understand my point and i can say my name is seth nice to meet you smelt20 and as always stay awesome

    1. Thanks! For now I only play Clicker Heroes online xD

    2. XDD ok wellat least you are better than me sakura clicker all demn day XD

  3. BRAVO!

    Way to stand up to these jerks who think you owe them something. I'm glad that you do what you do and I consider myself lucky that you're willing to share it with the rest of us.

    I really respect you for giving it another shot on youtube and I really hope it works out this time. If not, well it was fun while it lasted. Thank you very much for sharing your girlfriend's (and sometimes your) feet with us.

  4. Glad to have you back. In no way am I criticising your decision - in fact it is probably the best choice, however I do feel like it is needlessly one sided. We, as viewers are what give your channel views, subscribers and likes - and we are not entitled to your dedication, but we do keep the channel sustained in one way or another. By not taking requests you are essentially removing any influence but your own, which could work for a time. Just remember to diversify- I've seen many channels go down the toilet this way. They remove viewer influence, produce a constant stream of videos which suit one specific group and start losing support. I, in no way am judging your decision, but that doesn't really make completely disallowing requests the wisest choice. Perhaps your girlfriend should choose should you bring requests back. Thanks to you if you read this.

    Kindest regards,

    1. I think you don't understand. I will not ANSWER questions about making some videos, but I will still take requests into consideration. Instead of answering I'll just make a video someone requested, post it and write under the video "The idea was given by ...".
      You still have an influence ;]

    2. Ohh. Thanks for the reply - definitely misinterpreted that. Do yourself a favour though and make sure your girlfriend is comfortable with everything. Don't lose her over a fetish - I've done that before. Thanks for the reply, smelt.

    3. Don't be afraid - I'm far from it. When I see someone writing "maaaan I would suck those toes and lick that soles day and night!" I smile. It just doesn't work this way ;) she would be a great woman even without those wonderful feet

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Dude I those people should respect you for who you are and what you are doing not taking advantage of you and tring to talk you into stuff Ive been following you since your third video on YouTube I respect what you're doing for me as a viewer. You're what a true man is like to a woman. Anyway thanks Smelt.

    Your Viewer forever,
    Jon :)
