Saturday 28 February 2015

Coming videos

Guys, lets decide which videos should be published firstly. I won't tell you exactly what's going on from start to end. Just a few words that will help you decide

1. She's sleeping on her back from start to end, wearing white short trousers and white socks.
2. Falling asleep with shoes from the first shoes removal video and without socks
3. Massaging her feet with oil, laying on her back
4. Short limp play, she wakes up after 2 minutes (usually I dont post so short videos, but I think it's worth publishing)

This blog has 200-400 views per day for now. Honestly I won't continue creating these polls if the number of votes will count below 70 votes (poll ends tomorrow at 23 of my - GMT +1 - time). It'll just be a sign for me that you don't care about it and don't want to take part in ;x 
Cheers guys, new worship video on DM will come next week (I hope)

[Poll is over, 13 votes xddd Order of publishing: 3-2-1-4]

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Soles, idea

I have an idea! I upload videos almost every Sunday. I'm going to make a poll every time I uploaded videos - poll where you guys would decide which video you want to be published firstly, secondly etc. You (who "read" ;) this blog) will be special ones that will know what videos are prepared for you.  What do you think about that? Let me know here or on youtube (I prefer here, don't let THEM know about this idea ;x)

And soles for you!

Damn, I feel I have to improve my English...

Sunday 22 February 2015

Her shoes

Some of you guys still ask me about a video where I show all her shoes. I refused, because I think it would be boring as hell (FAQ). But I'm nice guy, so I decided to show you photos of her shoes. You can't find here shoes from the first removal video (you know, the first with shoes but without socks), but she still has them. She just were too lazy to look for them. Enjoy!

Nothing special. You know all of them from our videos. Cheers!

Monday 9 February 2015


I think it's time to check out our dailymotion channel ;)

Sunday 8 February 2015

Hey, guys!

We'll post here some picture's of my girlfriend's (95%) and my (5%) feet.
The most important thing we have to tell is that we'll not post any worships videos on YouTube. We don't want to risk deleting our entire channel just because some honest guy decided to report our video. It already happened - try to find a video called "Worshiping my sleepy girlfriend's feet 3". The one with removing grey socks. Deleted. Of course I appealed from their decision, but the answer was negative, so we can't appeal for 2 months. It means, that if another guy reports us, we'll not be able to post any videos for 2 weeks. Third warning - channel deleted.
Hey, I said, we won't post them ON YOUTUBE. Now, we want to invite all of you to visit our channel on Dailymotion. You'll find there only the newest worship videos. I won't post here direct link, just type "smelt20" there. Infos about published worship videos will be posted only here, so 1) check out the blog 2) check out DM channel. I'm bastard, but I want you to visit this blog often.
SO! Instead of cutting back our activity we branch out. I hope you'll like these changes. 
I'll try to make a little larger FAQ in a few days. Let me know guys what you think about this idea, ask us questions. Możecie to robić również po polsku ;) 

Have you noticed she has a scar on her foot? ;)